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Manufacturers > Arcluce

Arcluce SpA is an Italian company specialised in the design and production of lighting solutions. solutions d’éclairage.


Founded in 1989, Arcluce works with architecs, designers and deisgn agencies around the world to promote the culture of quality and creativity that has always distinguished its products.

Over the years, the company has gone from strength thanks to its ongoing commitment to research and development and its meticulous control of the entire production process. Every phase - ffrom product design to production - is managed from the headquarters in San Zenone al Lambro, just outside Milan.

The melting pot of specialist skills, innovation and attention to detail that characterises the company results in stilish, elegant and functional products capable of meetintg the technical and aesthetic needs of any project.

All Arcluce products are manufactured using state-of-the-art technology and top-of-the-range italian materials that guarantee relialbility and efficiency over time.

Our selection


Lunio SWENGERs Urbain


Lunio SWENGERs Urbain

Lunio 7

Klou-ik SWENGERs Urbain


Crea - systèmes modulairesSWENGERs Arcluce

Crea - modular systems

Demo Arcluce SWENGERs




Corso - systèmes modulaires Arcluce Swengers

Corso - modular systems

Nadir arcluce SWENGERs


Tantum Arcluce







Urbain Arcluce SWENGERs


Arcluce Swengers




Arcluce Swengers Arcluce Swengers Arcluce Swengers

Manufacturer's website:

SWENGERs - Arcluce Commercial Lighting

Catalogue Arcluce Exterior

Catalogue Arcluce Interior


Catalogue Worldwide